
2023 Congress delegates

World Netball Congress is the meeting of the Membership of World Netball.

It is an opportunity for the Membership to meet with the Board of Directors to review progress and determine the priorities for the next period. Elections for the Board directors also take place at Congress.

Ordinary meetings of Congress are held once every two years usually just before the Netball World Cup or Netball World Youth Cup.

The last World Netball Congress, in 2023, took place from the 26th – 27th July 2023 in Cape Town, ahead of the Netball World Cup 2023.

The World Netball Articles of Association outline the role of Congress.

The business of the meeting in 2023 included:

  • Approval of minutes from Special meeting of Congress 2022
  • A report from the World Netball Board
  • A Financial (Audit) Report and approval of annual accounts
  • Proposed Rules Changes
  • Business from Members for which due notice was given
  • Consideration of applications of new Members
  • Election for World Netball President
  • Appointment of Athlete Director and Independent Finance Director
  • Election of Committee Member Representative
  • Announcement of World Netball Service Awards; and
  • Dealing with any other business as determined by the Board.

Members submit items for the agenda up to 60 days before the date of the Congress.

The next Congress will take place in 2025 at Netball World Youth Cup in Gibraltar.

World Netball offers a full programme of workshops for Members to attend throughout the duration of the Netball World Cup.

At the Netball World Cup 2023 in Cape Town the programme included workshops on each of the core World Netball strategies as follows:

GROW: How to GROW netball’s participation, reach, revenue and capacity.
PLAY: World Netball Events now and in the future.
INSPIRE: The development and launch of the World Netball Foundation.
GOVERN: Sports governance in 2023. The challenges and Opportunities.
Congress 2023

INF Congress 2019 Documents for Members – click on the name to open the document.

Calling Notice & Welcome Booklet

Full Member Calling Notice 2019 – issued by email January 15th 2019

Associate Member Calling Notice 2019 – issued by email January 15th 2019

INF Congress Welcome Brochure 2019

INF Board Election Documents:

INF Board Purpose and Role of President April 2019 issued by email April 11th 2019

Nomination Form INF President 2019 issued by email April 11th 2019

INF Board Purpose and Role of Finance Director issued by email April 11th 2019

Nomination Form INF Finance Director 2019 issued by email April 11th 2019

INF Guidelines and Code of Conduct for Election Candidates issued by email April 11th 2019

INF Congress Agenda

Member Items for Congress – Please note that forms must be returned to the INF Secretariat by 5pm (GMT) 10th May 2019.

INF Congress 2019 Agenda issued by email May 24th 2019

INF Congress 2019 Papers Items 1-12 issued by email May 24th 2019

INF Congress 2019 Papers Items 13-16 issued by email May 24th 2019

INF Congress 2019 Papers Items 17-21 issued by email May 24th 2019

INF Congress 2019 Proxy Form issued by email May 24th 2019