Tactix, Mystics and Pulse make it 2/2 in the ANZ Premiership

Round 2 of the ANZ Premierships (ANZP) took place on NetballPass this weekend, with Tactix, Mystics and Pulse making it two wins from two whilst Stars, Magic and Steel were all left still searching for their first win creating a table of two halves in the ANZP. 

The first match of the weekend saw Pulse Welcome Magic, and it will come as no surprise to the international netball family that it was once again New Zealand’s Kelly Jackson, and Maddie Gordon that made the biggest impact for Pulse.

Jackson made eight gains, seven deflections, and three intercepts marking her dominance in defence, whilst Maddy Gorgon made 42 feeds, 26 assists, four deflections and two gains acting as a real play marker for Pulse and helping them to their 56-44 victory.

You can re-watch this match here on NetballPass.

The next game, between Tactix and Stars, was a nailbiter with a third quarter comeback from Stars leaving it all to play for in the final 15 minutes.

Spearheaded by another Silver Fern, this time Jane Watson, Tactix were able to claw their lead back and win the fixture 59-54.

To relive the drama and catch up on Watson’s four gains head over to NetballPass now.

Unlike Tactix, Mystics made sure there was no space for their opponents to make a comeback as they flew out the blocks to allow themselves a 7-goal buffer at half time, which despite Steel’s best efforts, drawing the third quarter, they were never able to close.

Silver Fern Grace Nweke was on fire shooting at 92%, and even making one interception as she dominated the circle at GS for the whole 60 minutes, as Mystics went on to win 52-61.

This result means that Mystics have now scored the most goals this season, but currently sit second in the table on goal difference, due to Tactix having conceded 15 less goals than them.

The two top teams, Mystics and Tactix, will play each other in Round 3 of the ANZP next weekend, live on NetballPass.

In Round 3 the international Netball Family will also be able to watch Stars vs Magic, with both teams still searching for their first win, and Pulse vs Steel.

To view all the results, the current table, and read our International Player Watch preview, visit our ANZP page now.