Spar Proteas win Diamond Challenge 2018

Congratulations to Spar Proteas on securing the 2018 Diamond Challenge title with a 73-44 win against Zimbabwe.

The event commenced on the 27th November and ended on the 1st December 2018 and was held at the Ngoako Ramatlhodi Indoor Sport Complex, Sechego, Limpopo, South Africa.

Each of the 6 teams that took part in the competition played extremely well.

Spar Proteas won 5 of their games, Presidents XII won 4, Zambia 3, Zimbabwe 2 and Botswana 1.


1st – Spar Proteas

2nd – Zambia

3rd – Zimbabwe

4th – Botswana

5th – Namibia

Although SA Presidents XII took part in this competition, their games were for development purposes only and therefore haven’t been included in the placings.

Match Scores

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