NetFest Returns to the Sunshine Coast

Australia’s biggest netball festival, NetFest, is set to return to Queensland’s Sunshine Coast for the second year running, taking place in Mooloolaba and Maroochydore from 10th – 13th October 2019.

The event will see netball fans from all over Australia and New Zealand enter their teams to enjoy an extra-long weekend of fun and light-heated netball activities.

The 4 day event will feature outdoor and beach netball tournaments, as well as celebrity matches, DJ’s, official parties, food and drink vendors and much more.

Netball Australia Executive General Manager of Events Chris Symington says

‘I’m thrilled to again be bringing the mass participation Netball event to the Sunshine Coast’

‘NetFest has really embraced by the Sunshine Coast region last year with more than 2,000 participants taking part in the 4 days of activity, so we’re excited to roll out the event in this iconic beach side location again’ 

‘Having been around for so many years now, NetFest is firmly etched on the Netball calendar and we believe we will continue to grow the event and overall Netball participation with the ongoing brilliant support of Tourism and Events Queensland and the Sunshine Coast Council’

‘NetFest attracts netballers from all over to take part in a relaxed tournament at an amazing location – we cant wait to showcase what the beautiful Sunny Coast has to offer yet again’

Early bird team registrations will open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 via their website.