#SaferSportDay – 8th August 2020

International Safeguards for Children in Sport has declared today, 8th August 2020 #SafeSportDay. It is every child’s right to be safe during sport, and it is every organisation’s responsibility to protect them. Sport is essential to children’s development and well-being – but only if there are safeguards in place to protect them.

INF is committed to making sport safer for children, and by doing so safeguarding the future of netball and all those who participate in it. As a member of the International Safeguarding Children in Sport Working Group, INF has collaborated with more than fifty organisations around the globe to develop a set of standards to safeguard all children participating in sport.

The focus on Safeguarding reinforces the INF Values as set out in the INF Netball 2020 Strategic Plan and supports our strategic pillar ‘Governing with integrity’. INF has hosted seminars, published guidelines and continues to raise awareness of the importance of safeguarding at workshops delivered to Members at INF’s Congress.

INF remains committed to working with our membership to promote safeguarding and the welfare of all our participants.

Join us today and every day in making sport safe from abuse for all children by pledging your support on social media and learning what you can do.

Find out more about INF and safeguarding here.