
October is Black History Month, a month that celebrates, recognises and appreciates the outstanding achievements and contributions of black people, past and present.

Across the Netball world, our members are celebrating Black History Month in a variety of ways.

Sky Sports Netball

At the beginning of October, Sky Sports Netball interviewed England’s first black netball player, Jean Hornsby and detailed her journey to the top of the sport, reflecting on her experiences and achievements.

Jean told Sky Sports: “I was the exception, but now it’s the norm, which is perfect and as it should be”.

The interview explores the difficulties Jean faced throughout her journey and what she wants for future athletes of colour.

To read more about Jean’s journey, click here.


Welsh Netball

Throughout October, Welsh Netball has been celebrating #BlackHistoryMonth by sharing stories from within the Welsh #NetballFamily.

As part of their campaign, they spoke to Welsh Netball head coach Sara Hale and former Wales shooter and current Celtic Dragons SuperLeague assistant coach, Jamilla Abbott on their experiences and what #BlackHistoryMonth means to them.

Visit Welsh Netball Twitter page here to listen to both interviews.


Half Court Press

The Half Court Press podcast recently interviewed INF Regional Development Manager for Africa, Joan Smit. The interview hears Joan describe her netball journey from being the first women of colour to represent the Namibian national team to helping to provide more opportunities for children and young people across Africa.

Listen on Spotify or Apple podcasts now.


England Netball

Over October England Netball have been sharing video messages and stories from members of their #NetballFamily. The stories celebrate what Black History Month means to them and their work and achievements in netball.

Read the series here.


Black History Month is an important time to reflect, listen and learn from those around us, within our communities and from our #NetballFamily.