INF World Class Officiating Research

The International Netball Federation (INF) is leading a long-term project towards ‘World Class’ officiating and has completed an extensive research project which is shaping the future activities for the INF in this area.

“Netball 2020”, the INF’s strategic plan, describes the Federation’s vision of netball as a socially responsible sports movement, recognized universally for its positive impact on people and communities around the world.  “Netball 2020” seeks to build on a strong period of growth in the years prior to and including 2016, through the establishment of three strategic pillars – namely:

  • Governing with integrity
  • Thrilling world-class events
  • Empowering through netball

The INF commissioned Wharton Consulting to develop the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for one of the nine strategic goals attached to these pillars, and to establish a methodology for assessing progress against this KPI. The goal in question is:

  • Goal 6: world-class standards in officiating for international events
  • KPI 1: establish a benchmark for “world-class officiating” and create a target for future years against which we will measure our performance

It was agreed that there was a need to create a conceptual model of “what good looks like”, in order to support the further development of the international officiating system towards that benchmark.  The model was assembled by drawing on the experience and expertise of those currently involved in officiating at the highest levels within netball – as well as the systems and structures deployed within other high-performing team sports (football, field hockey, rugby, basketball) – with a view to creating a clear and aspirational statement of best practice.

This model now gives a clear way for INF to understand where the most important changes can be made and the impact it has on each element of officiating.

Christina Davidson, INF International Umpiring Manager, said “The process of consulting with our stakeholders and understanding best practice from other sports to create a ‘what good looks like’ model enables the INF to truly understand where to focus our energy and resource in support of World Class Officiating”

The details of what is planned, the complete research findings and the approach undertaken to address this can be accessed at the INF website.

For further information on International Netball Officiating please see here.

For further information regarding Netball 2020 please see here.