International Umpires’ Award (IUA) and International Testing Panel (ITP) Review

The INF is pleased to announce that, as per the INF procedures a review of the International Umpires’ Award (IUA) Testing Panel (ITP) whose status was due to expire at end January 2020 has been completed.

The outcome is the following appointments are now renewed for these voluntary roles with either a 2 or 3 year term:



3 years:

Annie Kloppers

ITP Cadet

2 years:

Marielouw Van der Merwe (Active IUA)

Theresa Prince (Active IUA)




3 years:

Deborah Lynch Theobalds

2 years:

Chris Campbell

ITP Cadet

2 years:

Anne Marie Dickson-Lewis

Marion Johnson-Hurley



ITP Cadet

2 years:

Michelle Phippard (Active IUA)




3 years:

Jo Kelly

Cheryl Danson

Heather Gleadall (Europe AND Africa) *

2 years:

Anne Abraitis (completed accreditation as an ITP Cadet) *




2 years:

David Palaamo

Colleen Bond

ITP Cadet

2 years:

Jonathan Bredin (Active IUA)


* Exception to have 6 ITP named for Europe, based on the number of events hosted by Netball Europe, has been approved by the INF in conjunction with those involved in the review.

The IUA Testing Panel (ITP) is in place, for the testing of umpires for the International Umpires’ Award (IUA) and the coaching of elite umpires. ITP Cadets, with the support of the ITPs, are also involved in identifying and training elite umpires and this role provides a succession process and pool of candidates for future ITP members.

As per the ‘INF Procedure for the ITP Programme ITP’ status is reviewed at the end of an appointment by the IUM in conjunction with the Regional Federation, INF Member Country and ROC to determine if there is a recommendation for that appointment to continue. The timeframes for these INF appointments are:

ITP – minimum of 2 with maximum 4 per Region (2 or 3 year part time voluntary position)

ITP Cadets – maximum of 2 per Region (2 year part time voluntary position)

Note: Candidates in one Region may be additionally or separately appointed to a role in another Region at the discretion of the INF. This would usually only be the case where the quality and number of applicants would otherwise not be met.

For all the related INF procedures please refer to the International Umpiring Handbook which can be accessed here. 

The INF wishes all those involved well in continuing to complete their duties.