A Round of Close Encounters Leaves Stars the Only Team Without a Win in the ANZP

Round 4 of the ANZ Premiership (ANZP) kept the international Netball Family tuned in on NetballPass on the edge of their seats with three close encounters.

The closest of the three contests was between unbeaten Tactix and Magic, with the visitors Tactix just about able to hold onto their lead, despite a second half come back from Magic.

After losing the third quarter and drawing the fourth, Tactix won the game by one goal, with New Zealander Kimiora Poi a real playmaker at centre for them, making one interception and three gains, as well as 29 feeds and 12 goal assists.

It was a similar story in the Steel vs Stars game, with extra time needed after the four quarters were split two apiece.

With both sides still looking for their first league win, it was clear neither team was about to give up, however after shooting into the first half and taking the lead Stars seemed to lose their way in the final quarter, allowing Steel to win the final 15-minutes 16-8, taking the game to extra time.

Steel then went on to win the clash, and once again it was a centre court Silver Fern, this time Kate Heffernan, that was key to their victory as she not only contributed in attack making 21 goal assists, but also defensively as she made two interceptions that proved to be crucial.

Finally, the international Netball Family were treated to Mystics vs Pulse, which did not disappoint.

Despite Pulse being top of the table and undefeated it was Mystics that started the match the strongest winning the first quarter by 10 goals.

Silver Fern Phoenix Karaka was key for Mystics as she picked up six gains, however, her hard work wasn’t enough to hold off Pulse who made a second half come back and did not miss a beat for 30 minutes winning the final quarter by nine and the match by five.

You can catch up on all this week’s ANZP matches on NetballPass now.

Next up in the ANZP live on NetballPass the leagues two unbeaten sides, Pulse and Tactix, go head-to-head whilst Magic take on Steel and Stars face Mystics.

To view all the results, the current table, and read our International Player Watch preview, visit our ANZP page now.