World Netball Congress 2021

World Netball will hold its Congress today on Saturday 10th July 2021.

Congress which is the meeting of the Membership of World Netball will be held virtually for the first time in World Netball’s history due to the unprecedented constraints of the Covid-19 Pandemic. It will also be the first Congress held under the Federation’s new brand of World Netball.

It has been an extraordinary two years since World Netball’s last Congress which was held prior to the Netball World Cup in 2019. However, despite these unusual circumstances, the Board and Members will come together to review progress, highlight the success and challenges over the past two years and determine the priorities for the next period.

World Netball President, Liz Nicholl CBE will not be present for the meeting due to personal circumstances, therefore the Congress will be chaired by World Netball Vice President, Sue Taylor AM who will take on this responsibility in her last meeting as Vice President and as a Board Director.

Liz Nicholl comments: “I am unable to be at Congress today, much to my disappointment. I still feel proud and privileged to be entrusted with the responsibility to lead you into what I am sure is a positive and exciting future for our sport. I know the meeting today is in the very safe hands of our Vice President Sue and I’d like to thank her for chairing Congress and more importantly thank her for her huge contribution to our sport over many years.”

Sue will open up Congress and conduct a roll call of Members with over 60 expected to be present.  World Netball will then honour those members of the netball family who have passed since the last Congress in 2019.

Congress will hear from the President via a pre-recorded message. The CEO and Finance Director will report on the status of the Federation and its development over the last two years.

Also on the agenda are five items for discussion which have been submitted by World Netball Full Members and an amendment to the Articles of Association.

Finally, the election of the Vice President role will take place.  Sue Taylor will step down from her role after serving over 14 years on the World Netball Board. Shirley Hooper, the current World Netball Further Director and Chair of the Commercial Committee is the sole candidate standing for this role with World Netball set to make an announcement at 15:00 BST.

World Netball will be posting live updates from Congress across its social media channels. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep up to date and use the hashtag #WNCongress21 to get involved.

The World Netball Congress agenda and papers and be found here.

For more information on Congress, visit the website here.