World Netball Celebrates Play True Day 2024 On Its 10th Anniversary

Every year since 2014, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has invited the world sporting community to come together and celebrate Play True Day.

This is a day that is dedicated to clean sport and raising awareness amongst athletes, the sporting public, and others of the importance of preventing doping.

This year Play True Day falls on Friday 19th April, and it is the 10th anniversary the important day, as well as the 25th anniversary of the WADA.

As an international sporting federation that is part of WADA, World Netball (WN) supports this campaign every year, and this year we will continue to do so.

In the build-up to Play True Day, WN will be raising awareness across its social media channels, posting daily videos from international athletes, from Netball World Cup 2023 competing teams, about what clean sport means to them, who inspires them to play clean and advice they would give to the next generation on how to be the best they can be in sport, whilst making it fair for all.

Make sure you are following us on  FacebookXInstagramTikTok and YouTube so that you don’t miss out.

We also have a quiz that you can take part in to test your knowledge on clean sport:

Make sure to share what you learn and use the hashtag #OnePlayTrueTeam.

To find out more about the work WADA do, please visit their website here, or WN’s anti-doping page here.