Watch: The Modern Commonwealth

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF)’s new film, The Modern Commonwealth, premiered at the Federation’s 2018 General Assembly on the Gold Coast, Australia.

More than 200 members from the Commonwealth Sports Movement enjoyed the launch of The Modern Commonwealth, which was launched four days ahead of the  XXI Commonwealth Games. The short film encapsulates the rich diversity of the Commonwealth, and its distinct identity in modern-day international sport as a dynamic movement driven by its values of Humanity, Equality and Destiny.

With new members joining the opening of Gold Coast 2018, preparations for Birmingham 2022 underway, and the high-profile Commonwealth Summit set to take place in London, England in April, the Commonwealth is entering an era of renewed relevance. With clips from CGF President, Louise Martin CBE, Bahamian Commonwealth Youth Games 2017 bronze medallist, Kara Hanna, and with footage of the Head of the Commonwealth, Her Majesty The Queen, Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and Prince Harry, and Commonwealth stars Usain Bolt and Ian Thorpe, The Modern Commonwealth reflects the essence and spirit of this diverse yet unified family of nations as it enters a significant period in its history.