World Cities Day 2021

World Netball is supporting World Cities Day on the 31st October 2021.

World Cities Day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 and is designed to promote international community’s interest in global urbanisation and to contribute to sustainable urban development around the world, amongst other things.

Each year there is a new general theme for World Cities Day, and this year’s theme is ‘Better City, Better life’ with an emphasis on adapting cities for climate resilience.

Hosting global sporting events, such as the Netball World Cup, can help create a ‘Better City’ and a ‘Better life’, and to celebrate that we are exploring our up and coming host cities to mark this years World Cities Day.

Cape Town, South Africa is home to one of the 7 Natural Wonders in the World, Table Mountain, and will be the next host city of Netball World Cup in 2023.

In 2027 The Netball World Cup will then be hosted in Sydney, Australia where you will find the worlds largest natural harbour spanning over 11 miles.

To learn more these cities and the natural wonders they have to offer, head over to our Instagram and take part in our World Cities Day quiz.

To find out more about World Cities Day and the work that the United Nations are doing around climate change, click here.
