The Partial Reveal of Our World Netball Mosaic

Yesterday we revealed the first part of our World Netball virtual mosaic.

Our global netball family have been sending in pictures and stories sharing their netball memories throughout June as part of the #YourNetballWorld campaign. 

All the entries sent in so far have been made into a virtual mosaic of our new World Netball logo, and you can now zoom in to see your story as well those of your teammates, friends, and even your favourite athletes.

Despite the first part of the mosaic being revealed it isn’t too late to get involved and submit your image and story. 

If netball has given you an extended family, helped you overcome a tough time, or maybe has been the reason you met your significant other, we would love to hear from you.

You can send in your story or picture here to form our completed mosaic which will be revealed on the 28th July, marking the two-year countdown to the Netball World Cup 2023.

Not only that, everyone that sends in a story will also be entered into a once-in-a-lifetime competition to win a trip to the Netball World Cup 2023 in South Africa.

You can find out more and submit your photo and message here.