Netball Australia – State Of The Game Review

The landmark State of the Game Review by Netball Australia made several difficult choices and decisions in order to forge a vibrant and sustainable future for the sport.

One of the most significant reforms was set out in recommendation 2.1 which called for a Special General Meeting to adopt a range of governance reforms that would create ‘’a significant opportunity for stability, development, and alignment to underpin strengthening of Australian netball.”

On Wednesday, following months of collaboration and discussion, netball’s eight voting Member Organisations, further supported by Netball Australia, unanimously endorsed reforms that will create the foundation for a more dynamic, efficient, and innovative administration of Australia’s number one participation sport.

Key elements of the agreed reforms include:

  • MERGING the Netball Australia Board and Super Netball League Commission into a single nine-person Board with 6 Directors appointed by the NA Board and 3 elected by Member Organisations.
  • THE Super Netball Commission will merge with the new Netball Australia Board, which will run the Suncorp Super Netball competition.
  • AFTER nine years on the Netball Australia Board, the last four as Chair, Paolina Hunt has resigned as Chair and Director of NA, effective immediately. This facilitates the transition to a single Board and provides certainty around the leadership of the organisation for the current NA CEO recruitment process.
  • DIRECTORS Elizabeth Hunter, Catriona Larritt, and Terri Meadmore have also stood aside with thanks and appreciation for their critical contributions to netball.
  • MARINA Go will become the inaugural Chair of the newly-formed board following the unanimous endorsement of her fellow Directors.
  • FOLLOWING a unique election process, it was determined that Marina Go (Chair), Wendy Archer, Mitch Catlin, Todd Deacon, Peter Legg, John O’Sullivan, Jane Seawright, Gabbi Stubbs, and Michael Thomson will serve as inaugural Directors in 2021.
  • SUBSEQUENT Director terms will be staggered to ensure continuity.
  • COMMITMENT to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and athlete representatives are appointed to Board positions in accordance with the State of the Game Review recommendations.
  • NEWLY constituted Nominations Committee is comprised of an independent external chair, an NA representative, and one current MO President, chosen by the MOs.

The approval and adoption of the reform package represent one of the most significant structural changes in netball’s long history. It is also the bedrock from which other critical State of the Game Review recommendations can be reviewed, discussed, and ultimately adopted.

For more information on the state of the game review, visit the Netball Australia website here.