Netball Australia Renews Commitment To Prevent Violence Against Women

Netball Australia has joined four other national sporting organisations in renewing a commitment to work with Our Watch to stop violence against women before it starts.

Alongside, the AFL, NRL, Rugby Australia and Football Federation Australia, Netball Australia signed a leadership statement pledging to remain committed to using sport’s collective influence to keep progressing gender equality, and diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The renewed commitment builds on the success of the first joint Our Watch leadership statement in 2016.

Netball Australia CEO Marne Fechner said that because sport is integral to the Australian way of life it has a tremendous opportunity to use its influence to create positive social change.

“Netball Australia has had a long-standing vision of empowering women and girls to shine, while enriching and connecting communities and, as the number one participation sport for women and girls in Australia, we have an enormous opportunity to harness the sport’s reach to further educate and change attitudes around violence,” she said.

“Netball is committed to working alongside Our Watch to ensure that women and girls around Australia know they should expect respect, and that violence against women is not okay in any circumstance.”

Our Watch CEO Patty Kinnersly said that while the economic fallout from COVID-19 has had impact on how we consume, participate and enjoy sport, the recovery efforts must ensure that women’s sport and the creation of leadership opportunities for women in sport remain a priority.

“Sports leaders set the tone, which is why it is so important they continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to disrespect and violence against women,” Ms Kinnersly said.

“I applaud the AFL, NRL, Rugby Australia, FFA and Netball Australia for taking this important step today. Only together will we be able to turn the dial towards achieving gender equality so we can work towards an Australia that is free from violence against women and their children.”

The five national sporting organisations will work with Our Watch to share best practice information and build on the work already started by ensuring internal structures, strategies and policies explicitly promote gender equality to prevent violence against women.

For more information, click here.