Zimbabwe Gems Captain, Felisitus Kwangwa Discusses COVID-19 and the Impact on Netball

 Zimbabwe Gems Captain, Felisitus Kwangwa, like many other international athletes have witnessed first-hand the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and how the virus has presented an unprecedented health risk to the sporting world.

Netball has been suspended in many countries around the world and although some sporting activities are resuming albeit under strict guidelines, netball in Zimbabwe is still considered high-risk and the sport will remain suspended. Zimbabwe has been in nationwide lockdown since the 30th March with health officials trying to curb the spread of the novel virus. The government announced that the lockdown will continue for the foreseeable future.

The virus has meant that Kwangwa has been unable to practice and play netball,  however, Kwangwa has said that she is happy to wait and reveals how the virus has made her appreciate the important things in life.

“I have learnt that life is very precious hence we should make sure that everyone stays safe,” Kwangwa said.

“I miss the game so much that when things normalise, I don’t mind playing two games per day. But for now, what’s important is to wait until things get better. It is very painful to see the number of people dying each day across to globe due to the coronavirus and we all want this to end now. There is a lot of pain caused by this disease and it breaks my heart to know how many people are dying, it’s sad really.”

Zimbabwe’s league, the Rainbow Amateur Netball League was halted in March after only three rounds. But instead of sitting home, Kwangwa has come up with ways to ensure she stays fit.

Kwangwa comments: “whilst enduring the impact of the lockdown, this time gave athletes a responsibility to keep themselves fit without being pushed by their coaches or physical trainers.”

“It just gave us a reflection on how we take care of ourselves as professional athletes. I personally do cardio and structural workouts then I will take a nap and later on read some novels or watch TV.”

Kwangwa was an instrumental figure during the Gems appearance at the Vitality Netball World Cup 2019 where they finished a remarkable 8th and was named player of the match on two occasions. After the World Cup, Kwangwa was named captain of the senior netball team following the retirement of Perpetua Siyachitema.

Article written by Shelly Guni.