International Netball Federation (INF) outlines strategic plans and support for Members during ‘Regional Roadshow’

Following the success of the International Netball Federation’s (INF) Regional online ‘roadshow’ held in June, when President, Liz Nicholl and CEO, Clare Briegal, discussed with Members the challenge of managing through the virus and the impact on international events, INF has hosted a further roadshow to consult with Members in its five Regions on INF’s draft new strategic plan which is set to be launched later this year.

Presented by INF President, Liz Nicholl, with CEO Clare Briegal alongside, the roadshow introduced ‘Beyond Netball 2020’ – the working title for the new strategic plan – and the planning logic behind the strategy.

In October 2019, the Board embarked on the planning process starting with the ‘explore and review’ stage. They reviewed the progress of INF’s current strategic plan, ‘Netball 2020’, feedback from a Member survey and global reports on the sporting landscape and challenges facing International Federations. Key findings from INF’s research project with Populus in September 2019 were presented at the roadshow, highlighting Members enthusiastic support for INF to create an ambitious growth strategy across participation and performance, its products and profits to extend the sport’s reach and impact.

The Board is now in the ‘form and consult’ stage of the planning process and is engaging with its Members and Regional Federations to consider and refine the new strategy.  When designed, INF’s new strategy aims to:

  • Build on ‘Netball 2020’
  • Reflect feedback from consultations
  • Be ambitious, progressive and agile leaving room for innovation
  • Add value to excite and engage netballers at every level
  • Encourage collaboration and sharing across Members and Regions
  • Acknowledge the significant dependency on volunteers
  • Reflect INF values conveying HOW the plan is delivered really does matter

Members and Regions gave feedback throughout the roadshow, particularly on the draft purpose, vision, mission, values and core strategies.  INF also encouraged Members to provide further feedback via their Regional Director and directly to the INF Secretariat.  Following the conclusion of the roadshow, the INF Board will now enter the final stage of the planning process, drawing on the feedback from the roadshow and input from other key stakeholders to refine and finalise the strategy. The launch will take place in the final quarter of this year.

INF President, Liz Nicholl, commented: “INF acknowledges the importance of consulting with our Members when it comes to the development of our new strategy. We are a member’s organisation that relies heavily on the work of the leaders in our Regions and nations, and our network of incredible and committed volunteers, and it is essential that we listen to our netball associations and work collaboratively to develop our sport. Whilst we all find ourselves in unique and challenging circumstances, the Covid-19 pandemic has enabled us to introduce new ways of working and we have significantly increased our communication through virtual meetings. I am delighted with the level of engagement we have had and the quality of the input that is informing not only our planning but also our decision making. I’d like to thank all Members and Regions who have joined the roadshow for giving up their time to support the INF and provide feedback on our proposed new strategy, and I look forward to working with our board to finalise the plans and then seeing them come to life.”

Decisions made at the INF Board meeting in June were also announced during the roadshow.  Recognising the severe financial impact on Members caused by Covid-19, INF has created a ‘Covid-19 Response Fund’ for each Region to provide immediate support to those Members with the greatest need.  INF will also reduce its membership fees for 2021 by 50%, compared to 2020, for those Members who have paid in full for 2020.