World Netball Supports the World Anti-Doping Agency’s ‘Play True for Peace Day’

Every year since 2014, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has invited the sporting community to come together on the 8th April to celebrate Play True Day.

This is a day that is dedicated to clean sport and raising awareness amongst athletes, the sporting public, and others of the importance of preventing doping.

This year, in light of the war in Ukraine WADA considered postponing Play True Day, however after consultation with a number of stakeholders they decided to go ahead with the theme “Play True for Peace”.

The feeling was that values such as fairness, integrity, and respect for rules, which are all embodied within the Play True message, contribute to harmony in sport and society.

As an international sporting federation that is a signatory of WADA, World Netball supports this campaign every year, and this year we will continue to do so raising the importance for peace, respect and harmony within both sport and society.

Please join us in spreading this important message by using the hashtags #PlayTrueforPeace and #PlayTrueDay today on social media.

WADA will have a dedicated real time ‘Play True Day wall’ that will capture all posts with these hashtags and unite the world to celebrate this day.

You can find out more about Play True Day, here.

To read World Netball Anti-Doping Guidelines, click here.