
World Netball has in place a clear governance structure and governing policies and procedures to guide its work. The governance framework for the Board and its advisory Committees, Working Groups and Panels, separates strategic and operational areas ensuring there is appropriate expertise and knowledge at every level to support the organisation and its Members & Regional Federations.

The model includes Strategic Committees to advise the World Netball Board of Directors, namely:

The Board of Directors has established an Audit and Risk Committee.

Terms of Reference

The role and responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Committee include:

  • monitoring the integrity of the company’s financial statements and other financial information, and reviewing significant financial reporting judgements contained in them.
  • appraising the integrity of the company’s internal financial controls and their operation and ensuring appropriate risk management systems are in place.
  • making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the auditors.
  • approving the remuneration and terms of engagement of the auditors.
  • monitoring and reviewing the auditors’ independence and objectivity and the effectiveness of the audit process, taking into consideration relevant UK professional and regulatory requirements.
  • advising the Board on the engagement of the auditors to supply non-audit services, taking into account relevant ethical guidance.
  • reviewing and agreeing the annual budget and cash flow projections before they are submitted to the Board for approval.
  • assessing the adequacy and security for employees to act as ‘whistle-blowers’ in reporting financial improprieties and whether arrangements are in place for the investigation and follow–up of complaints.
  • considering other financial and allied matters referred to it by the Board.

For full terms of reference for the Board Committees, Working Groups and Panels click here.

The Members of the Committee are: 
  • Suri Bartlett (WN Independent Finance Director & Chair of Audit & Risk)
  • Lindsay Sartori (Independent)
  • Victoria Lakshmi (WN Board Director)

The Board of Directors has established a Commercial Committee.

Terms of Reference

The responsibility of the Committee is to assist the Board with the commercial development of WN and the sport from an international perspective:

Defining a commercial vision, mission and strategy that is consistent with WN’s strategic plan and WN Members’ own commercial activities.

Reviewing and confirming the WN Commercial Rights Policy.

Developing income-generating opportunities for WN through the exploitation of the following

  • Media rights (including digital linear and non-linear)
  • Sponsorship of WN properties (e.g. WN Events, umpires and communications);
  • Other income streams (e.g. retail)

Recommending developments of the WN event portfolio and calendar.

For full terms of reference for the Board Committees, Working Groups and Panels click here.

The Members of the Committee
  • Dame Liz Nicholl DBE (WN President)
  • Shirley Hooper (WN Vice President and Chair of Commercial Committee)
  • Rob Mills (Independent WN Board Director)
  • Emily Whiteside (WN Head of Marketing, Digital & Broadcast)
  • Kate Agnew (WN Head of Events)
  • Louise Cullinan (Independent) 
  • Aarti Dabas (Independent) 

The Board of Directors has established a Governance Committee.

Terms of Reference

The responsibilities of the Committee are to review and propose amendments of the following to the WN Board as considered necessary:

  • Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Board Governance Policy
  • Committee structure and the relevant Terms of Reference
  • Any other matters pertaining to the operation of the Board including but not limited to indemnities, declarations of interests, elections, induction, conflicts of interest and review of policies etc. as delegated by the Board
  • Provide leadership, training and guidance in respect of good governance to WN Members, Regional Federations and the wider netball family.

For full terms of reference for the Board Committees, Working Groups and Panels click here.

The members of the Committee are:
  • Wainikiti Bogidrau (WN Board Director & Chair of the Governance Committee)
  • Leanne O’Leary (Independent)
  • Octavia Gibson (Independent)
  • Angela Sanderson (World Netball Head of Finance & Governance)
  • Bridget Adams (WN Board Director)

The Board of Directors has established a Nominations Committee.

Terms of Reference

The responsibility of the Nominations Committee is to assist the Board with the appointment of Board and Committee Members, and other roles in line with the WN Articles of Association, Board Governance Policy and the relevant Terms of Reference:

  • Defining, reviewing and recommending policy and procedures for recruitment, including selection, appraisal, retention, removal and retirement of Directors, including managing and monitoring such processes, policies and procedures;
  • Defining, reviewing and recommending a succession planning process and methodology to the WN Board, which ensures a full and diverse range of personal and professional skills, experience, qualifications and background to meet the varied demands of a successful Board, an effective committee structure and a high performing International Federation.

For full terms of reference for the Board Committees, Working Groups and Panels click here.

Members of the Committee
  • Lyn Carpenter (WN Board Director and Chair of Nominations Committee)
  • Dame Liz Nicholl DBE (WN President)
  • Kate Palmer (Independent)
  • Catherine Lewis (Member nominated by Members of Congress)