Our Game

South Africa competing against Sri Lanka at the Netball World Cup 2023

Netball is an exciting, fast, and skilful game of fair contest that can be played in different formats. This section of the website provides information on various different areas including the History of Netball, the Rules of Netball, Coaching, Officiating and much more!

Explore more on the Game…

History of Netball
Netball has a long history with the game first being played in England in 1985. Since then it has continued to grow at a significant pace.
Netball Explained
Netball is an exciting, fast and skillful game of fair contest. It is a game in which two teams of seven players each strive to keep or gain possession of the ball.
The Rules of Netball
World Netball publishes the Rules of Netball which detail how the game should be played and provides information concerning the facilities and equipment to use.
Formats of the Sport
The traditional seven(7)-a-side format of the sport has been played since 1895., however there are now newer formats of the sport including FAST5.
Facilities and Equipment
Discover information on the court and related areas, goalposts, the ball and player information including what they must wear.
Anti-Doping Guidelines
Often, Athletes consider the Anti-Doping World as complex and can feel intimidated by the process. This section aims to help better understand Anti-Doping related matters.
The approach to coaching and coach education and development varies around the world. Discover our Foundation Coaching Resources, our Coaching Endorsement Programme and our Coaching Advisory Panel in this section.
Through World Class Officiating, World Netball is committed to developing and improving officiating for international events. Find information on International Umpire Appointments and Officiating Development.
World Netball is committed to making sport safer for children, and by doing so safeguarding the future of netball and all those who participate in it.