Domestic Elite Netball Leagues

Domestic Leagues wording on a black background

Across our five World Netball Regions many domestic elite netball leagues take place every season and this is the place to find out where, when and how you can keep to date on all of the action involving some of the top international netballers from around the world! 

Here are the confirmed league dates for 2025 so far:


Netball South Africa 

We will bring you more news on South Africa’s Telkom Netball League 2025 when we have it.

Keep an eye on this page!

You can also keep an eye on Netball South Africa’s website here for more news. 


When we receive any information on national domestic elite netball leagues taking place in the Americas Region this season, we will update it here. Keep an eye on our website!


Netball Singapore

Netball Singapore’s Deloitte Super League will begin on the 8th February 2025, and run until the 23rd March.

You can stay up to date on all the latest news by following Netball Singapore on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

You can also see the full schedule on their website here.

Those in Singapore can attend the matches for free, with more information here.  

Netball Australia

The Suncorp Super Netball League will get underway on the 5th April, with the rounds running until 13th July.

Following the conclusion of Round 14, the Minor and Major Suncorp Super Netball League Final will take place, with dates still to be confirmed.

To find out more click here.

Where to watch information for the SSN will be announced at a later date.

Keep an eye on this page!

Malaysia Netball Association

The Malaysia Netball Super League will start on the 1st February 2025 and run until the 23rd.

You can keep up to date on all the latest news on their Facebook page, here.


England Netball 

The UK’s Netball Super League (NSL) re-launches in March 2025. 

For all the information you need including where to watch information, an International Player Watch Preview, the schedule, and more, visit our NSL page here. 


Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands Netball League will start on the 20th February 2025, at the Truman Bodden Sports Complex.

Those in the Cayman Islands can attend and watch for free.

For more information on the league and to keep up to date on all the latest news, make sure you are following their Facebook page, here.

Netball New Zealand

New Zealand’s ANZ Premiership will begin on 10th May 2025, with 10 rounds set to take place ending on the 14th July.

Following on from this Finals will take place, with dates still to be confirmed.  

You can see the fixtures and find out more information, here.

Where to watch information will be announced in due course.

Keep on eye on this page!

Make sure you are following us on all our official social pages where we will be bringing you the latest updates from all the leagues this season!

You can also subscribe to our Newsletter where we will be bringing you a more in-depth analysis of each league!