World Netball Foundation Seeks New Academic Institution Partnerships

The World Netball Foundation (WN Foundation) is now looking to partner with academic institutions, as it continues its journey to harness the power of netball to change lives under World Netball’s strategic pillar ‘To INSPIRE’.

The Foundation, which was launched at the Netball World Cup 2023 (NWC2023) in Cape Town, has an over-arching vision of creating new possibilities through netball and uses the reach of netball to deliver positive and lasting outcomes via three core, inter-linked strategies:

  • Individuals: We will create programmes and initiatives which give diverse people opportunities to access new learning and personal development experiences which will positively impact their lives.
  • Communities: We will create supportive and inclusive netball spaces where everyone belongs, their opinion matters, and they feel valued by coaches, mentors, and peers.
  • Societies: We will create alliances with like-minded partners, collaborating to achieve greater impact in developing and supporting global policies for achieving societal change through sport.

To find out more visit the WN Foundation strategy, here. 

The WN Foundation will be formally launching a call for Expressions of Interest on Monday 15th January 2024, but interested academic institutions can pre-register their interest at now.

To find out more about this exciting opportunity, including the timescales involved, read the full announcement here.