Muslim Women In Sport Power List Nominations 2021

Do you know a remarkable Muslim woman in sport?

This Power List showcases and provides a platform for the global community of Muslim Women in Sport. With every edition of this Power List the MWISN avidly searches for the most influential, deserving and inspiring talent, and encourages you to kindly nominate potential Power List members.

You can nominate any Muslim woman working in sport, voluntarily or in a paid capacity, for the Power List. The criteria used when judging for the list is the MWISN definition of influence: the ability to affect positive change in the lives of others directly and indirectly through their own actions and words, as demonstrated over an extended period of time, and PARTICULARLY DURING 2020.

The 2020 edition of the Muslim Women in Sport Power List saw over 300 nominations from across the world (see the final list here – The position and influence of Muslim women in sport on the global stage has never been greater or more important and you could influence the recognition of these women and help shine a positive light on their achievements.

The final Power List will be chosen by a panel of experts from across the world after assessment of the nominations received and will be launched in March 2021.

Deadline for nominations is 23.59 GMT 10 February 2021.

Find out more information here.

Nominate here.