Caribbean Netball Association Netball Christmas Fiesta

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no play has been possible in the Caribbean Region and netballers have not had the opportunity to interact and enjoy the game of Netball. Further, based on the current situation with COVID-19, return to play is highly unlikely in the next six (6) months.

Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of netballers throughout the Caribbean and by extension, the world. Having good friends, family and support systems around you plays an important part in our wellbeing, and for netballers, we also know the importance of being part of a team. It’s vital now more than ever that we stay connected.

As we count down to the end of this very challenging year and advocate measures for a safe co-existence with COVID-19 in 2021 and beyond; the Caribbean Netball Association (CNA) is rallying netballers (of all ages), in a show of solidarity, as they continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and employ safeguards.

The virtual “Players Forum” will take place on Sunday, December 13, 2020 and is designed for netballers to voice their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and their perspective on the way forward for netball in 2021 and beyond. This two-hour event will be streamed on social media and is scheduled to start at 5:00pm (Eastern Caribbean Time) and is dubbed Netball Christmas Fiesta.

The programme will include:
(1) Peer motivational speech by Khalifa McCollin – professional netballer from Trinidad and Tobago.

(2) Country presentation of a poem, song or rap which describes netballers experiences with COVID-19 and how they plan to manage COVID and ensure a safe return to play in 2021.- Each participating country will make a (maximum 3 minutes) presentation of the poem, song or rap.
– A poll will be launched for all participants who have logged in to decide the best (country) presentation.
– The winning country will be awarded a waiver of 2021 CNA affiliation fee.

(3) A netball trivia and prizes will be awarded to the five participants with the highest scores.

(4) The launch of a “FUTURE NETBALL UNIFORM” contest. The winning entry along with the 2nd and 3rd best entries will be announced on CNA Day1 in April 2021.

Netballers are urged to contact their respective national netball association, as well as subscribe to Caribbean Netball Association – CNA on Facebook / Instagram for access details and to register for participation in the upcoming Christmas Fiesta.