INF release updated rules of netball

The International Netball Federation (INF) has announced the latest update of its rules of the game.

The updated rules are effective from 1st January 2018, which reflect the amendments to the 2016 rules that were approved at INF Congress in July 2017.

Here are the highlights of the amendments made in this update:

  • Based on questions received from members, minor amendments to the rules were presented to members at congress in July.
  • Members approved the rules proposals and these will be implemented from 1st January 2018.
  • These are not new rules but small changes to the 2016 rules
  • INF has produced a supplement of the rules amendments to be used with the 2016 rules book and also an updated rules book incorporating all the amendments. Both of these are now available to members. The amendments include:


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Updates to additional support tools such as INF Match Protocols, INF Technical Officials Manual etc. will follow.

Supplement to the INF Rules of Netball 2016 can be found here.
